News & Events

Re-commencement dates for what our Parish offers

Bible Study classes, in English for young and old: every Tuesday 7.15 – 8.30pm (but not on those weeks with an English Liturgy), in our hall, for any queries contact Fr Dimitri on 0418 298 197

Tuesday  4 February

Teen-age boy Youth Group:  every Friday  6.30 – 8.30pm.  For any queries contact Nathan on 0406 258 514

Friday 7 February 

English Liturgies:   held once a month- exact date can be seen on on this page of our website

Wednesday  19 February  7 – 8.30pm

Fellowship in Greek for ladies:  every Saturday  3 – 4.30pm

Saturday  22 February

Sunday School, that inspires children & youth – Sundays, after Holy Communion 

Early March

Iconography School, every Thursday 6 – 9pm, for any queries contact Kosta on 0450 198 282

Thursday 6 February


Greek School:  Kindergarten, Years 7 – 10 and teen beginner class:  Fridays

Years 1 –  6:  Tuesdays and Fridays

All classes  4.15 – 6.15pm

For any queries contact  Patricia Georgiou on or 0433 683 797

 Enrolments:  Fri  31 Jan   5 – 6.30pm, 

 1st lessons: 

Years 1 – 6 Tuesday: 11 Feb, 

Kindergarten and High School:  Friday 14 February

Modern Greek for Adults  8 week beginner course planned.  for any queries contact Patricia Georgiou on or 0433 683 797

In the Week after Pascha

Greek dancing:  For children, teens and adults, Fridays  6.30 – 7.30pm. For any queries contact Maria Karabelas on 0431 152 159

Friday  14 February


Filoptohos: (for women who want to help the Church and the poor) –   usually every 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 – 8pm

Wednesday  5  February

Feeding the Homeless: Wednesdays 5 – 6.30pm.  See For any queries contact Tina on 0412 830 568

Wednesday 5 February

Playgroup for preschool children together with their carers – Mondays  10am – 12pm. 

Need to register on

Monday 10 February

Senior Citizens Groups: from 10am Tuesdays and Thursdays- to enquire phone Greek Welfare Centre on 9687 8955

Tuesday 14 January


Next English Liturgy

This will be on Wednesday 19 February  7 – 8.30pm, an opportunity for fervent prayer and worship.

Parenting Seminar

This will be held in our upstairs hall on Fridays 14 and 21 February, 6.30 – 8.30pm, and invaluable opportunity for parents and future parents to learn from experts, within an Orthodox Christian framework.  Speakers will be:

  • Fr George Liangas, Parish Priest St Nektarios Burwood and Child and Adolescent Pschiatrist
  • Anna Ektoros, Social Worker Westmead Children’s Hospital. 

Bus Trip to St Haralambos, Tuggerah

This will occur on the Feast of St Haralambos, Monday 10 February 2025.  That day we will not have a Liturgy at St Ioannis.  Matins and Divine Liturgy officiated by Archbishop Makarios will occur at the Church of St Haralambos, 4 Fleet Close Tuggerah 7.30 – 11am.  A Bus will depart from St Ioannis at 7am, returning about 2 – 3pm.  For a place on the bus see Mrs Nitsa Makris, or Presvitera Thekla, or phone 9635 9480, or email, record your name and phone number and for the email subject put “Bus Trip”.  Bus fare will be $30, which you can pay on the day.  Lunch at St Haralambos will be souvlakia, bread roll, chips and salad for $25 + $2 for a water