Community Aid

In the Bible we read that Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink…”, and the Apostle John said, “Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth”.  

Our Parish has thus decided to start feeding the homeless, and also support some of the refuges in Parramatta.

A warm thank you to everyone who has volunteered or donated to our Feeding the Homeless program. If anyone else would like to help, please email us on and let us know your phone number and what you can offer.  You can also contact us on 0412 830 568.

We have been advised that currently the pressing need is to provide snack packs to the homeless of Parramatta, so we cater for this need on Wednesday evenings.  

Volunteers meet at St Ioannis Church at 5 pm on Wednesdays to assist in packing individual packs containing snack foods, personal hygiene products and clothing. At 6pm, volunteers will depart for Prince Alfred Park in Parramatta to distribute the packs to those in need.

You can assist in the following ways:

Pack and distribute food Parcels on Wednesday nights 5 – 6.30pm, starting in our Church hall around 5pm


Supply Fruit or Muffins

If baking is your talet you can offer to bake muffins to distribute to those in need on Wednesday nights in Prince Alfred Square. If baking is not your talent you can donate fruit instead.  Drop the items off at the church hall reception desk.  This can be done Sundays and weekdays when a church service is held, Tuesday and Friday afternoons between 4 pm and 6 pm or Wednesday afternoons from 5 pm to 6 pm.


Have a ute or van?

If you have a ute, van or trailer you can volunteer to help transport the food parcels to the Prince Alfred Square, and also to pick up food and fruit from Foodbank in Glendenning on Wednesdays around 11am. Just email or phone 0412 830 568 and express your interest and we will get in touch with you to arrange times.


Donate Money

St Ioannis Community Aid

BSB 062-223

Account 11497812

Please include your email as part of the payment reference so we can email a receipt to you.